While searching for some appetizer recipes on Epicurious for her upcoming holiday party, my friend Nicole stumbled upon some hilarious interactions between recipe reviewers for Gourmet's Chicken Satay Bites.
As Brillat-Savarin so famously said, "Tell me where you live, and I'll tell you whether you're capable of appreciating what you eat."
Be sure to read from the bottom up:
A Cook from Chicago on 06/16/05
To the cook from the left coast: Illinois, where one of the "thumbs down" reviewers is from, is most definitely NOT a red state. In fact, it is more blue than New Jersey. Kerry won in Illinois with 55% of the vote. In NJ, he garnered 53% of the vote. I honestly don't even know one person who voted for Bush where I live. (Sorry to further distract from the recipe, I just wanted to clarify!)
A Cook from Houston, TX on 12/30/04
Texas may be red, but it ain't Midwestern. Better brush up on your geography, Guido.
ClayinIowa from The far left side of Iowa on 12/29/04
"Midwestern heartlanders (read: red states"... that may be true but over all ... it's not all inclusive. All I'll say is...Don't pin it on me.
A Cook from Left coast on 12/28/04
Cat fight! In this corner, two Midwestern heartlanders (read: red states); in that corner, a cook from NJ (read: blue state). Popcorn, peanuts, anyone?
ClayinIowa from Wilton Iowa, Heart of the midwest on 12/28/04
Unimpressed is all I can say about this recipe. But to the COOK in NJ, I’d like a definition of “a lot of flavor”. Would that be the Satays or other flavorful spicy dishes I had in Bangkok, the red curries I had in Kathmandu, the spicy bean dishes in Brazil, the hot moles I’ve had in Mexico or the slow cooked BBQ ribs I make here in Iowa. I know good food and I know spicy and flavorful, this is none of the above. Again unimpressed
A Cook from Heartland, USA on 12/26/04
Nice-one person didn't like your "pet" recipe and you bash everyone from the Midwest. Can you say superiority complex?
A Cook from NJ on 12/24/04
Definite winner! Instead of pita, served it in mini-phyllo cups. Don't know what's wrong with the other reviewers because this appy was LOVED by my guests. Maybe mid-westerners can't handle a lot of flavor.
jgolf from Illinois on 12/13/04
I think chicken satay BITES says it all. This was so unappetizing I threw it out rather than serve it to friends.
A Cook from Dallas TX formerly from Burnham Harbor, IL on 12/04/04
Fast and easy. The peanut sauce is good, but not outstanding. Added extra chopped dry roasted peanuts and salt. Served it to a group of 20 and while it didn't fly off the table like the wasabi shrimp rice crackers did from the same story, it eventually disappeared. Didn't make a pretty appetizer even with the cilantro leaf -- using dark meat as the recipe suggests made the chicken just look like a dark brown blob.
What did this all prove? People who like this Chicken Satay recipe are against gun control.